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Is a set of productivity Software that can run on a NAS

Setup using Docker

  • occ commands: sudo docker exec --user www-data -it nextcloud-aio-nextcloud php occ your-command
  • Activate overcommit for Redis (see discussion): echo "vm.overcommit_memory = 1" | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/nextcloud-aio-memory-overcommit.conf

Setup using Snap

Reference page for the Snap 1. sudo snap install nextcloud 1. Allow 80 and 443 in firewall 1. Edit trusted domain sudo nextcloud.occ config:system:set trusted_domains 1 1. sudo nextcloud.enable-https lets-encrypt 1. Add NAT translation on the home router 1. Add domain A record in my DNS zone 1. Setup Sendgrid for SMTP server

Other stuff

  • Host X.X.X.X was not connected to because it violates local access rules. → Fix here
  • Change trash bin configuration: see this article
  • If you have sudo: nextcloud.occ: command not found, then maybe your system doesn't add /snap/bin to the PATH → Use sudo /snap/bin/nextcloud.occ

Cloudflare Tunnel

Cloudflare Tunnel

Integrations with other devices

Outlook calendar

Use Outlook CalDav Synchronizer - but untestes



  • sudo nextcloud.export -abc to export everything except user data
  • sudo nextcloud.occ files:scan --all to force scan all files, useful to fix checksum issues
  • sudo nextcloud.occ files:scan-app-data to force scan all app data
  • User data are in /var/snap/nextcloud/common/

Remove a file that is only on the database and not in the file system

  1. Find the fileid of the affected file - this can be done from the web interface
  2. Check that the file is deleted on the filesystem
  3. Open the SQL client, like nextcloud.mysql-client for the snap version
  4. Delete the affected file delete from nextcloud.oc_filecache where fileid in (FILEID);
  5. Rescan the files nextcloud.occ files:scan --all

Browse the database

  • oc_filecache contains all files in the instance
    • path contains path per user, like files/RootDir/SubDir


Based on How To Backup Nextcloud 1. Create ncbackup user 1. Edit /usr/sbin/ with

# Output to a logfile
exec &> /home/ncbackup/Backups/Logs/"$(date '+%Y-%m-%d').txt"
echo "Starting Nextcloud export..."
# Run a Nextcloud backup without data (will be saved later with Duplicati)
nextcloud.export -abc
echo "Export complete"
# Clean the Backup/Data folder
rm -r /home/ncbackup/Backups/Data/*
# Move backup from yyyymm... directory to our directory. 2* is used to filter out folder starting with 2, like 2020
mv /var/snap/nextcloud/common/backups/2*/* /var/snap/nextcloud/common/backups/2*/.* /home/ncbackup/Backups/Data/
# Remove backup folder
rm -r /var/snap/nextcloud/common/backups/2*/
echo "Nextcloud backup successfully moved to /home/ncbackup/Backups/Data/"
# Remove logs older than 14 days
find /home/ncbackup/Backups/Logs -mtime +14 -type f -delete
echo "Removed old logs"

echo "Nextcloud backup completed successfully."
  1. Make the file executable sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/
  2. Allow the file to be executed without sudo interaction
    1. sudo visudo
    2. ncbackup ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/
  3. Remove shell access from ncbackup user sudo usermod -s /sbin/nologin ncbackup
    • To add it back sudo usermod -s /bin/bash ncbackup
  4. Schedule the backup

    1. Open crontab sudo crontab -u ncbackup -e
    2. Make the script run at 0200 every day 0 2 * * * sudo /usr/sbin/
  5. Sources:

Good apps

ClamAV for antivirus

  • Documentation
  • Disable background task with occ config:app:set files_antivirus av_background_scan --value="off"

Preview Generator for thumbnails

  1. Suggested: change the preview generation behavior - great post here, I just changed quality to 70
occ config:app:set previewgenerator squareSizes --value="32 256"
occ config:app:set previewgenerator widthSizes  --value="256 384"
occ config:app:set previewgenerator heightSizes --value="256"
occ config:app:set preview jpeg_quality --value="60"
  1. Install from app store
  2. sudo nextcloud.occ preview:generate-all
  3. Make a script for that and schedule it

    1. Edit /usr/sbin/ with



      Output to a logfile

      exec &> /home/ncbackup/PreviewGenerator/"$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %T').txt"

      echo "Starting Nextcloud Preview Generator (with logs)..." nextcloud.occ preview:pre-generate -vvv echo "Done."

      Remove logs older than 14 days

      find /home/ncbackup/PreviewGenerator -mtime +14 -type f -delete echo "Removed old logs"

      echo "Nextcloud Preview Generator completed successfully." ```

    2. sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/

    3. sudo visudo
    4. ncbackup ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/
    5. Remove shell access from ncbackup user sudo usermod -s /sbin/nologin ncbackup
    6. Schedule the backup
      1. Open crontab sudo crontab -u ncbackup -e
      2. Make the script run every 30 min 30 * * * * sudo /usr/sbin/

Notes: * Use -vvv argument to output each opened file * Command for AIO Docker here

RainLoop Webmail

  • Original project docs
  • Rainloop-nextcloud project
  • Install plugin
  • Login to admin panel in root/index.php/apps/rainloop/app/
    1. Change admin password
    2. Add domain
  • Login with standard link using user mail and mail password
  • Enable automatic login in Settings > Additional Settings


OVH Dynamic IP

OK, it's not an app, just a script that I run every 6 hours.

You need to setup first a DynHost username - see this documentation and calculate the Basic Authentication in the header.

# Output to a logfile
exec &> /home/ncbackup/DDNS/"$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %T').txt"
echo "Starting DDNS update ..."

curl -i -H "Authorization: Basic COPY_YOUR_KEY_HERE=" ""'&'hostname=DOMAIN.EXAMPLE.ORG""
# Remove logs older than 14 days
find /home/ncbackup/DDNS -mtime +14 -type f -delete
echo "Removed old logs"