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Alpine Linux

Is a Linux distro that is lightweight

  • Default account: root, with no password


  • run setup-alpine
  • sys is standard hard-disk install mode
  • adduser NAME to add user
  • apk add nano to install nano
  • Configure SSH
    1. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    2. At the bottom, add AllowUsers XXX with XXX your user name
    3. Reboot
  • Refer also to the post-install notes
  • On VM, don't bother to install VM addons - just create an user, allow SSH user and connect to it
    • If you use NAT, configure port forwarding with Host being the actual PC and Guest the VM


  1. Un-comment community package in /etc/apk/repositories
  2. apk update
  3. apk add sudo
  4. visudo
  5. Uncomment the %wheel ... line to allow wheel users to use sudo
  6. Exit vi - see Vi
  7. Add yourself to the wheel group: addgroup $USER wheel


  • See also Docker
  • Un-comment community package in /etc/apk/repositories
  • apk update
  • apk add docker
  • addgroup $USER docker
  • rc-update add docker boot and service docker start to start docker daemon at boot

Other: - Awall - Firewall - OpenRC - Init system

Resize filesystem

  1. Install apk add cfdisk e2fsprogs-extra
  2. Use cfdisk
  3. Run resize2fs /dev/sda* - change * with the partition number

Other nice tutorials


Packets & Software

apk is to tool used to manage packets, documentation: * apk update to update the index * apk upgrade to upgrade installed package * apk add X to add package X to system * apk del X to remove package X to system * apk version X to check version of X