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Is a Linux Operating System running on phones and tablets.


Useful list

  • Files
  • Network
    • Ning to scan devices on network
    • WLANScanner to scan Wi-Fi networks and view their channels
    • RethinkDNS to monitor and filter network traffic by apps, IP, DNS resolver and more
    • Private DNS Quick Tile to turn Private DNS on and off
      • Require to give permission via adb: adb shell pm grant com.jpwolfso.privdnsqt android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
  • System
    • App Manager to enable/disable apps and launch hidden activities
  • Multimedia

Remote control from PC using scrpy

Useful keyboard shortcuts:

Keys Usage
ctrl + mouse Pinch to zoom
mod + r Rotate screen

Create work profile with Island

  • Just install it from the Play Store and set it up!
  • To share file between mainland and island:
    • In Material Files
      1. Create a new external connection
      2. Select a Work folder
    • This will give a read-only access, but this can be done in both lands


  • DNS over TLS (DoT) can be configured in Private DNS

Files & Apps

Extract an APK

  • On a PC with ADB
  • adb shell pm list packages to list packages
  • adb shell pm path com.whatsapp to list path of the apk
  • adb pull path-of-app to extract the apk

Reverse engineering

Decompiling APK

This blog post has some good suggestions. * JADX Dex to Java decompiler