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Android Auto

Is a Software part of Android allowing an vehicule display to be used

Android Auto

Allow non-Play store app on Android Auto

Useful to use OsmAnd~ with Android Auto!

With ADB

Need to be checked - from this source:

adb push net.osmand.plus_424.apk /data/local/tmp
adb shell pm install -i "" -r /data/local/tmp/net.osmand.plus_424.apk

With A-Tweaker

  1. The above will delete app data, so backup first!
  2. Clear storage of Android Auto
  3. Install AA-Tweaker
  4. Go to AA-Tweaker, select the wished app and tap "Patch custom apps"
  5. Reboot
  6. Go to the Android Auto settings → Customize Launcher to see if the app appear

Desktop Head Unit

DHU is an Android Auto head unit emulator. 1. Install 1. Install Android Studio Beta 1. In Tools → SDK Manager, go to tab SDK Tools and install "Android Auto Desktop Head Unit Emulator" 1. Find the DHU executable 1. In the same window, copy the Android SDK Location and open it 1. Navigate to SDK_LOCATION/extras/google/auto/ 1. Connect with ADB Tunneling - Source 1. Set developer mode on Android Auto 1. In the overflow menu, select Start HDU Server 1. Redirect the port adb forward tcp:5277 tcp:5277 1. Launch the DHU Server desktop-head-unit.exe